Unmatched Scalability
Expand your website by Adding pages and the functionality you need
Easily Add Functionality
Scalability is important. Add new pages to your school's website as your needs grow and change, keeping it current today, tomorrow, and even years from now. Quickly add blogs, photo and video galleries, forms, news feeds, site alerts, calendars, social media feeds, interactive maps, directories, and more in just a few clicks. Each page will automatically format to your website’s unique design style formatting.
Unlimited pages
Built-in advanced functionality
Automatic design style formatting
Password-protected pages
Add pages in just a few clicks
Quickly and easily add a blog to your website. Write and publish educational articles, announce upcoming events, highlight classroom activities, and post photos and videos. Feed to your home page and social media accounts in just a few clicks.
Keeps parents up to date on school activities
Share blog posts to social media in just a few clicks
Create unlimited posts
Create categories allowing website visitors to filter blog posts by topic
Create calendars displaying your school’s events, holidays/vacations, and important deadline dates. Parents and staff can easily subscribe and have new events automatically sync to their personal calendars.
Fast and easy to create
Easily add individual events or bulk import a larger list
Create recurring events and blackout dates
Automatically syncs to other calendars
Create multiple calendars
School Tours and Conferences
Easily schedule school tours, meetings, and conferences with the built-in Scheduler tool. Accessible via your website, parents can choose from preset times you determine. Automatically syncs to your calendar so you’ll never miss an appointment.
Make scheduling tours easy for parents
Manage automatic email notifications and cancellations
Manage available dates and time slots
Syncs to calendars of your choice
Add as many Scheduler calendars as needed for different faculty and admissions staff members
Campus Maps
Let website visitors take a tour of your school from the comfort of their homes! Interactive maps guide parents through your campus, highlighting special features and places. Add a “Schedule a Tour” pop-up to encourage and boost physical tours.
Adds a wow factor to your website
Fun and engaging to “walk” through your campus
Add embedded videos, photo galleries, descriptions, and links to map locations
Allow users to filter map by categories that you create
Easily add directories to your website. Highlight staff credentials, photos, and contact information. Direct feed data from the built-in contact manager or integrate with your database for instant flow of your most up-to-date information.
Administration and faculty directories
Board of Education directories
Private, password-protected family and student directories
Search members by departments
Feed data from built-in contact manager or your existing database
Online Forms
Custom-create forms for every school need and watch engagement rise! Create inquiry forms, event registrations, and donation forms. Securely collect payments and even send automatic confirmation and thank-you responses.
Inquiry forms
Event registration forms
Online tuition payments
Donation collection
One-step or multi-step applications
SoSimple's athletic pages allow you to easily manage team calendars, post game results, add and manage team rosters, and manage coach profiles. Team calendar events can be included within an overall athletics calendar and then filtered by team and added to that team's web page. This means that you manage one calendar but have the flexibility to include filtered results on a team-by-team basis.
Athletics and Team Calendars
Users can subscribe team events
Manage Team Rosters and profiles
Manage coach profiles
Manage results
Audio Playlist
Easily add a listing of audio files as .MP3s. Users can listen to audio files on page or download for later. This page type is perfect for faith-based events such as sermons, athletics, or class lesson audio within a password-protected teacher page.
Bulk or individually add MP3s
Listen on-page or download files
Auto sort by date
click and drag manual resorting
Add and manage file descriptions